About Us
Everyone of our instructors and coaches are experienced professionals with track records that demonstrate dramatic and sustained growth. Why is this important? Because there are legions of academics who have never grown a thing in their lives and there are legions more of "experienced coaches" whose only "experience" is one of plateau and decline. All of our team members know what it's like to be fighting an uphill battle in the trenches, and all of our team members have direct experience of ultimately winning the battle. We're here because we're convinced that "you can do it - we can help!"
Meet Our Lead Instructors
All of our instructors have proven track records of leading their own churches to sustained Great Commission growth and a proven track record of helping others lead their churches to sustained Great Commission growth.
Jeremiah Raible
Jeremiah is a church coach and worship specialist. He is a seasoned worship pastor, tech director, and community outreach pastor. Jeremiah constantly proves the naysayers wrong about how even the smallest church can thrive.
Bob Jones
Bob Jones is the founder of REVwords.com, an author, blogger, and coach with 39 years of pastoral experience. Bob has lead a church of 400 to a church of 1400, plus has experience in transitional ministry and revitalizing smaller churches.
John Albiston
John is a turn-around specialist and church coach. He has had a track record of leading churches both small and large to sustained conversion growth.